Open Water

Scuba school international

SSI training programs are an effective, fun and safe way to learn to dive and experience the underwater environment.

Personalized training is combined with in-water practice sessions to give you the skills and experience to be truly comfortable underwater.

This first level of diving will allow you to evolve in an area between 0 and 18 m.

As a diver, you will explore the wonders of the underwater world while feeling weightless. You will be able to interact with incredible marine life and discover wrecks and ecosystems hidden below the surface.

In order to obtain your OPEN WATER certification valid worldwide to go diving at 18m in safety, the course consists of 4 dives at sea plus exercises in confined water (swimming pool or shallow sea) as well as a MCQ of 50 questions.

3 days
Number of dives
4 sea dives + 1 pool session
Minimum age to dive
10 years
Requirement for the certification
Know how to swim
Maximum depht for training
18 M (12M if less than 12 years)

* prices will vary depending on the current XE rates


Discovery scuba diving  + Reading lessons via the SSI website

Morning: Reading lessons via the SSI site

Afternoon: Pool session

2 dives + Exam
